兵者诡道 卡片翻译
作者:佚名 来源:本站 时间:2023-04-17 点击:次
1. Decryption: The decryption ability reveals all enemy movements within a sector. Orders are represented by red arrows.
2. Spy plan: A spy reveals all unidentified/hidden enemy units in a sector.
3. Radio silence: Radio silence hides all allies units within a sector. All allied units remain hidden from the enemy detection system as long as they do not leave the affected sector.
4. Dummy building: Creates a decoy building.
5. Camouflage net: The camouflage net hides all allies buildings within a sector. All allies buildings in that sector disappear from the enemy intelligence system. Units created by the player within the affected sector will remain hidden from the enemy detection system as long as they remain in the affected sector. This allows the player to create camouflaged factories/units behind enemy lines.
6. Decoy offensive: This ruse allows the player to create decoy units to simulate an army. Decoy units are produced and then launched in the this sector in order to simulate an attack.
7. Blitz plan: Doubles your units speed in the sector and allows for swift attack of key objectives.
8. Terror: Enemy troops are more likely to be routed.
9. Fanaticism: Allied units will fight till the death.
10. Reverse intel: Light units are given heavy unit markings when not scouted, and vice versa.
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